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Piano Dealers, Tuning & Moving
Note: These links are provided for reference based upon their prominence in the community and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement by MusicScholars.
Piano Dealers
Steinway Piano Showroom of Scottsdale
Riverton Piano Co. of Scottsdale
Unique Pianos -- Consignment Showroom
Piano Tuning & Moving
Interactive Flash Cards
>> Treble Staff (EASY - middle C to A)
>> Treble Staff (all notes)
>> Treble Staff Ledger Notes (notes above & below the staff)
>> Bass Staff (EASY - middle C to F)
>> Bass Staff (all notes)
>> Bass Staff Ledger Notes (notes above & below the staff)
Interactive Music Theory Flash Cards
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Go to the Video page for a collection of videos from YouTube and other sources. Constantly updated, you will find documentaries of composers' lives, interesting musical topics, and performances of musical works.

Premier Online Assistant is Alfred Publishing's newest resource to support teachers and students who are using the Premier Piano Course. In YouTube videos, co-author Gayle Kowalchyk explains each new concept in a concise way. When you practice at home, you can view these videos if you want to review your lesson. Select the level that matches your book, then select the video for the page you are working on.
Level 1A
Level 1B
Level 2A
Level 2B
iPhone / iPad Apps
Pro Metronome - Beat with Sound and Light
Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Android Apps
A selection of music related apps for Android phone or tablets. Download from Google Play store.
This is the one we use at our lessons. It's the best metronome for Android: accurate, lightweight, colorful and easy to use. A good metronome is always the best companion in your playing/studying sessions.
FREE. Features: Multitouch. A complete keyboard; 20 realistic instruments. Studio audio quality. A perfect real piano/keyboard set; 5 octaves; Record mode. Perfect for use on a tablet
COST = $0.99. Random music flash card generator! Use the Staff Card and Quiz modes to practice and test sight-reading in the staff. Use Note Name mode to practice positions on your instrument, chords and many other applications. Great for all instruments and musicians of all levels!
Computer Apps
A selection of music related apps for desktop or laptop computer:
Musescore Music Notation Software
MuseScore is a free scorewriter for Windows, macOS, and Linux, comparable to Finale and Sibelius, supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods. It is released as free and open-source software under the GNU General Public License. (Wikipedia) Minimum requirements for your computer hardware are noted on the download page. Click here for more info.

*** NOTE: These links will direct you to outside webpages. MusicScholars has reviewed these sites, but is not responsible for their content or operation or suitability to the end user. Please report any problems with these links.